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Immagine del redattoreUniversal Design

Finocchi,Flavonoidi e profilo Ormonale femminile

I finocchi sono un vegetale formidabile,soprattutto per la donna. Contengono infatti sostanze estrogeniche naturali,i Flavonoidi,detti anche ''fitoestrogeni'' che esercitano un effetto equilibrante sui livelli degli ormoni femminili. Alleviano i crampi mestruali e la nausea.

Migliorano la funzione epatica (del fegato) e hanno un noto effetto diuretico naturale.

Consigliati di mangiarli crudi pre pasto (qualche pezzo) cosi,essendo ricche di acqua e fibre,aumentano l'indice di sazieta'.

JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)

Adlercreutz H, Hockerstedt K, Bannwart C et al.:Effect of dietary components, including lingans and phytoestrogens, on enterohepatic circulation and liver metabolism of estrogens and on sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). J Steroid Biochem, 1987; 27: 1135-1144

Adlercreutz H: Western diet and western diseases: some hormonal ad biochemical mechanisms and associations. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 1990; 50 (Suppl): 210:3-2

Brzezinski A, Debi A:Phytoestrogens: the “natural” selective estrogen receptor modulators?Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol., 1999; 85 (1): 47-51

Kardinaal AF, Morton MS, Bruggemann-Rotgans IE, van Beresteijn EC: Phyto-oestrogen excretion and rate of bone loss in postmenopausal women.Eur J Clin Nutr, 1998; 52 (11) : 850-5

Davis SR. Phytoestrogens therapy for menopausal symptoms? Br Med J 2001; 323: 354.

Ginsburg J et al. Lack of significant hormonal effects and controlled trials of phytoestrogens. Lancet 2000; 355: 163.

Murkies AL et al. What is the role of phytoestrogens in treating menopausal symptoms? Med J Aust 2000; 173: s97-s98.

Tham D et al. Potential health benefit of dietary phytoestrogens: a review of the clinical, epidemiological and mechanistic evidence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83: 22.

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